martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Biography Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein is one of the excellent scientist, philosopher, and physicist. He was born on March 14th, 1879 in Ulm. As a child, Albert Einstein liked to see when he was four or five years old a magnetic compass. He grew up in Munich, attended Luitpold Grammar School, and played violin. At 15 he left school and went to Milan.
He had an ambition to be a Maths/Physics teacher, he finished university in Zurich in 1900 so in 1901 he got a job at Swiss Patent Office, he worked on maths problems in his spare time.
Albert Einstein in 1905 published scientific theories including “Special Theory of Relativity”, and time after he won a Nobel Prize in 1921, also he published over 400 scientific works.
Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955. He was 76 years old.

xoxo-Mexican Legend

Traditional Celebration


A traditional celebration in my country is the Cumbre Tajín. Every year on March, a cultural festival takes place in the north of the state of Veracruz, in the town of Papantla de Olarte. Its aim is to preserve and disseminate cultural and archaeological wealth of the Sacred City of El Tajín and their guardians: the Totonac people. The people do ceremonies, workshops, rituals, alternative therapies, indigenous games, concerts, dances, circus acts, conferences, exhibitions and screenings.
The Cumbre Tajín is a relatively new celebration.
Its first edition was in the early spring of 2000 and performed around the spring equinox in Takilhsukut Theme Park, the archaeological site of El Tajín.

Famous Person from History

Benito Juárez really impresses me the most because he was proclaimed "Father of the Americas" for his defense of human liberties and  his famous phrase: "Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace."

xoxo-A letter from a vacation resort

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

xoxo-Silverwood Theme Park, Idaho

Be Going To

I am going to dance salsa on Saturday morning and then I am going to go D.F. in the afternoon.
On sunday I am going to go to the cinema in the afternoon and then I am going to go to the wax museum in the evening.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

xoxo-Adventure tour in South America.

We will climb the Andes Mountains to see the beautiful and spectacular view of the Colca Canyon also we´ll able to camp out under the stars, all this in Peru.

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

An e-mail to Marcy

Hi! Marcy,

How are you? So, you want to know about my favorite dish from my country? Well, It´s a stwe called Chicken rolls and it´s very popular here in Mexico.

It has chicken breasts, cream, poblano chili, onion, coriander, ham and cheese. It´s very easy to make.
First, make rolls with the chicken ham and cheese and fry. Then, liquefy the poblano chilies, coriander, onion and the cream.
Add to mixture and let it boil for a few minutes, season with a pinch of salt and then add the chicken rolls.
We usually serve Chicken rolls with tortilla.
This is a delicious dish! You should try it! 

How about you? Do you have a favorite dish?

Write soon!

xoxo-Ruby´s Menu


martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Ordering food in a restaurant

For breakfast, I usually drink milk and I have a bowl of cereal. For lunch, I cook meat or chicken, vegetable soup, tortillas and I drink fruit water. For dinner, I sometimes have a banana smoothie with bread or coffee with cookies.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

An informal e-mail of advice

Hello Matt,
I´m sorry to hear that you´re having problems with your roommates. I think I can help you!
Why don´t you talk about this with your roommates? This way, you can explain how you feel and make them realize there is a problem, they can try to be quieter. Maybe they don´t know thwt you´re uoset. You should also decide on a house rule like ¨no noise after 10 pm¨. Then, you know you can always study and sleep after this time.
I really hope my advice helps! Write back and tell me what happens.



Menton Lemon  Festiva

The Menton Lemon Festival takes place every February and March in the town of Menton in the south of France. People celebrate their lemons and oranges. it is a huge event whit a different theme every year. You can see artists creating giant sculptures made from oranges and lemons, visit the Citrus Exposition and admire the statues, buy local products, and watch the Parade of Golden Fruit,. there are also night parades with dancer and fireworks.

Apple Fair

The Apple Fair in Zacatlán, Puebla, is the most important event of this magical town in the Sierra Norte of Puebla and it is held every year in the second week of August.

Zacatlán is famous for apple production in the center of the country, and the main economic activity comes from the cultivation and marketing of fruit and derived products such as ciders, spirits, soft drinks, etc.

During eight days Zacatlán has cultural events, sports, selling apple products, traditional regional crafts, food booths during the day. And at night musical performances with renowned artists at the Teatro del Pueblo, free of charge, and in the traditional Palenque, for those who like to bet on cockfights and raffles, fireworks and burning castles.

The streets, are usually calm with its tiled roof houses, there are a lot of people, shouting and dancing while waiting to launch the juicy apples.

To conclude the festivities,there is a spectacular fireworks exhibition in the City Hall at midnight, that lasts about 40 minutes.

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

My House

I live in a single-story house.
There are eight rooms. It has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and  a kitchen. In my bedroom there is a closet, a T.V., a DVD player, a bed, a radio, a boudoir, a small table and a mirror.
My neighborhood is nice! There are three grocery stores, there is a cyber, a laundry, a lake, a gym and a large market.

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Buying a Ticket


Ticket saller:  Hi! Can I help you?
Kassandra: I´d like three tickets to Colonia, Uruguay.
Ticket saller: One-way or round-trip?
Kassandra: Round-trip, please!
Ticket saller: What time would you like to leave?
Kassandra: We´d like to take the 6 pm ferry.
Ticket saller: Ok. that´s $ 60 dolars, please.
Kassandra: Here you are.
Ticket saller: Thank you. Here are your tickets. Have a nice day!
Kassandra: Thanks, you too.

Kassandra Sanchez Tolentino
Anaisa B. Sanchez Tolentino

Are you a good citizen?


      Why is it important to be a good citizen?

Being a good citizen is must be aware of their rights and their duties such as respect, responsibility, honesty, sense of belonging, collaboration, resource protection. But being a good citizen is also healthily enjoy rights as life, living, work, justice, equality, knowledge, freedom, peace, etc.. to magnify and dignify our country, contributing to its development, economic, social and political right.

-->  The attitude of a good citizen is reflected in their good doings.
-->   The attitudes must be shaped by good ideas.
-->   The good and noble thoughts come from the heart well educated with ethical values.

  Ways to be a good citizen

--> Green Initiatives
--> Cultivate civic values
--> Respect the beliefs
--> Human rights
--> Protect animals
--> Reject violence
--> Fulfill your obligations
--> Speak up and demands
--> Participate
--> Rate the other